From time immemorial, marriage has been a respected institution in the
in the nooks and crannies of the world. Apart from ensuring the
continuity of life, it is also an avowal of loveb- the proof of true
In an African context, marriage is held in high esteem. To Africans,
a married man is a complete man. Thus marriage goes as far as
determining a man's integrity, prestige, office among others in the
society. This stems out of Afican beliefs and cultures.
Thus when a man or lady has come of age to get married, families,
friends and and the entire community come together to celebrate in
high spirit their about to married child.
However, with our world fast becoming a global village, it has left
behind some attendant effects as changes are being afooted. Today,
our society is making nonsense of this noble institution due to an
acclaimed 'civilisation'.
This as we all no has gone viral among the youths of today, especially
those in the universities.
Among these group of youths, there exists different kinds of
relationships. While some are bent on co-existience; the process
whereby a male and a female live under the same roof, others opt for
boyfriend and girlfriend relationships.
Wothy of note in the university and other institutions of learning is
students marrying while still on campus. As the popular dictum goes:
"one man's food is another man's poison" Marriage on campus means
different thing to different people. As the case may,
both side have its own strenghts and weakenesses.
To a lady who marries while still on campus, she have to battle with
the responsibility of pursuing her academics as well as seeing to the
well being of her family. Undoubtedly, such would be a daunting task
to her.
Apart from this, she might also endure isolation from her friends who
may see her as out-of-date.
In the same vein, the stress of combining pregnancy with academic
stress might be challenging.
On the other hand, marriage on campus could afford a lady the sense of
maturity when compared to other spinsters on campus.
Similarly, marriage on campus could earn the lady more respect both from
her mates and lectuers.
Defying the challenge of combining academics with marriage, Hope
Chinweoke Omeje, a 200-level student of mass communication took to
alter recently.
The atmosphere was high at New St. Paul Catheral Church, Nsukka
on Saturday, 27th December, 2014, as the world gathered to celebrate with
the families of Mr. Asogwa Emmanuel and Elder Apollos Omeje for the
wedding ceremony of their children; Hope Chinwoke Omeje a 200-level
student of mass communication, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Gospel
Sunday Ezinwa.
Before this very August day, the traditional marriage had taken place
at Mr. Appolos Omeje's (the bride's father) compound in Ogbu-Eke village,
Alor-Ulo, Nsukka 5:18pm on Friday. On that faithful day, the
atmosphere was calm and high with irresistible aromas coming from well
prepared meals, the trees waved , the sun sparkled, camera men
struggled for a shot of the gorgeously dressed couple, men and women
trooped and out of the compound at the epoch-making event.
Indeed, it was a celebration of love. A day that would linger in
the history of Ogbu-Eke village.
On her wedding gown, sparkling as light, the bride together with the groom
marched onto the altar to recieve their marriage certificate officially.
Shortly after this, they danced to tunes booming from the bands.
In this interview with our correspondent after the wedding, Hope, who
could not hide her joy expressed their feelings, challenges and
expectations of their marriage, had this to say.
How do you feel celeberating your wedding today?
Am so happy and more than happy. What makes me happy is that I
amleaving the stage of a Miss to a Mrs. I am leaving my family
to establish my own.
What qualities do you see in him that made you fall in love with him?
He is a man of vision, goal and he is also a man that fears God. That
is number one thing.
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